The FMA’s focus on education and workforce development did not slow down this last year. In fact, our efforts catapulted to new levels with the participation from so many of our FMA members.
The key initiatives included:
• Signature Student Programs: Tech Mania hands-on presentations in the spring and fall for 300 ninth-grade students from the region and STEM Family Night, which showcased STEM-related activities for more than 300 elementary and middle school students — both events were designed to help bolster students’ excitement about a future in STEM.
• STEM Core: This accelerated math program prepares students for STEM-related careers. The FMA expanded the program to the STEM Core Bridge, which prepares 50 students from Forest City Park High School and Digital Harbor High School for college.
• Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) Initiatives: The FMA helped connect the school system with members to ensure STEM career awareness and cyber curriculum are available to students.
• Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation (AAWDC) Military Corp Career Connections (C3): This grant provides effective employment and training assistance to military personnel transitioning out of the service.
Thank you to our FMA members who supported our Education and Workforce Development Initiatives in 2018!