On September 14, 2022, a small team of volunteers met for the Warrior Canine Connection (WCC) Day of Service, hosted by FMA’s Rising Stars Network (RSN). After a brief overview of how WCC’s service dogs help veterans with challenges like loss of mobility, PTSD, anxiety or depression, the group got started with fence work to help prepare the grounds for the upcoming service dog graduation. And the pups did not disappoint anyone with their charm!
On September 24, WCC will welcome over 400 people for the service dog graduation ceremony, including veterans and their support dogs, military families and community members. Please help us thank the volunteers from Anne Arundel Economic Development Corp, Department of Defense, Laura Buckley Coaching & Consulting, Inc., MOJO Creative Digital, Sandy Spring Bank, Scuttlegov and Vision Technologies for taking time from their work week to help WCC get ready for this annual event.