Committee involvement is the keep to the success of the Fort Meade Alliance and getting the most out of your membership. We welcome all employees of our member companies to join a committee, volunteer their time and provide industry insight and ideas to advance the mission of the Fort Meade Alliance.
Education & Workforce Development
The Education Committee is tasked with planning and implementing events surrounding the education and workforce development issues in the FMA region. This committee also was responsible for developing Project SCOPE, a security clearance and education awareness program for grades 7 -12, college graduates and professionals re-entering the workforce. The committee has created Tech Mania and STEM Family Night to bolster students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math. Four white papers have been published with the oversight of this committee.
Penny Cantwell, Chair |
Meade Business Connect (MBC)
The Meade Business Connect Committee assists companies with targeted information on the 117 government agencies and organizations at Fort Meade and region’s prime contractors, focused mentoring/protégé programs, educational outreach including networking events and forums, market analysis of the agencies and organizations at Fort Meade and the FMA Member Capabilities Exchange, which will offer detailed information about FMA member companies.
Bill Dunahoo, Chair |
The Ambassador Committee is charged with growing and maintaining membership and ensuring current and future members actively contribute to achieving the Alliance’s mission.
Diana Gresham, Co-Chair |
Greg Prossner, Co-Chair |
Military and Family
The Military and Family Committee focuses on providing support and assistance to the Fort George G. Meade soldiers and their families and civilian community. The Alliance led the community effort to outfit the to-be-constructed new Solider and Family Assistance Center at Fort Meade in support of the wounded warriors. The Alliance also provides assistance with bulk delivery of monthly snacks available to the soldiers as they wait for their appointments. The FMA is now undertaking an effort to build a Resiliency Campus on Fort Meade.
Col. Kenneth O. McCreedy (Ret.), Chair |
The Rising Star Network is a new FMA initiative to identify the region’s emerging leaders and engage them in FMA activities. The initiative targets young professionals 35 years or younger, offering cross-industry networking opportunities, mentorship activities, educational programing, volunteer opportunities and more. You can learn more about the Rising Stars by clicking here and download a nomination form here.
Kyle McQuighan, Co-Chair |
Tabitha Seiler, Co-Chair |
The Transportation Committee focuses on the priorities that parallel the interests of the installation and the community regarding transportation needs and sees that these priorities are communicated to planners in each of Maryland’s transportation modes. The Committee produces a transportation guide on how to get to Fort Meade, which includes information on bus routes, MARC schedules, vanpools, bike routes and other transportation resources. The guide is updated regularly.
Stuart Title, Chair |
- If you are interested in joining one of these committees, please contact the Fort Meade Alliance at 410.850.4940 or