Who We Are

The FMA NextGen Leaders is a group of emerging professionals 40 years old and younger from diverse Fort Meade Alliance companies and organizations. Our mission is to empower young professionals in the Fort Meade region by providing engaging events and programs aimed at developing world-class community leaders. Our focus areas include networking, professional development and community efforts.

Our Three Focus Pillars

Networking Opportunities

Networking is a key feature of professional development. Our events create organic opportunities for young professionals to develop meaningful connections, exchange knowledge, and discover new perspectives. By engaging in networking activities, our NextGen Leaders can access new resources, unlock doors to career advancement, and cultivate a support system. These opportunities are essential for personal and professional growth.

Executive Insights/ Professional Development

The NextGen mentorship program and panel series are designed to bridge the gap between experienced industry executives and aspiring young professionals. Through this initiative, seasoned leaders share their invaluable insights and practical advice with the next generation of leaders.

Community Efforts/Giving Back

The NextGen Leaders want to give back to the community whether it is through fundraising for education and workforce development initiatives amd resiliency programs, rolling up our sleeves and taking action or heading into the classroom to inspire a younger generation of students.

Upcoming Events

March 6

Shamrock Soiree with AFCEA Emerging Leaders

April 10

Professional Development
Topic: Networking Skills and Strategies

May 7

Pathways to Success Panel
Topic: Growing Your Business (Micro, Medium and Large)

May 29

End of the Year Happy Hour

June 12

FMA Annual Meeting & Cocktail Reception

Held in August and hosted by the FMA NextGen Leaders, the annual Crab Feast Fundraiser is for professionals who are 40 years and younger and work at FMA member companies.

Proceeds from the event support the FMA Foundation as it continues to raise funds for critical education and workforce initiatives and vital resiliency programs in the Fort Meade community.