MBC Monthly Meet-Up

MBC Monthly Meet-Up


In response to several requests from FMA members, January’s topic for our online MBC Monthly Meet-Up is Personnel Security. Learn from guest speakers Brittany Prato of IntelliGenesis LLC and Kristen Wagner of Visionist, Inc. about the process and timeline for getting new and transitioning personnel through the clearance process, continuous vetting and other topics (eCPRL system, SF-86 updates, NISS/DISS).

This event is for FMA member companies only. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required.

About the Speakers

Brittany Prato

Brittany Prato wears multiple hats in her work at IntelliGenesis LLC, including Facility Security Officer (FSO), Contractor Specialist Security Officer (CSSO) and Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO). She currently oversees the security requirements for prime and subcontract and maintains the security clearances of employees, all security procedures and of existing Security Operating Procedures (SOP). During her 14 years as a security professional in the national security industry, Brittany’s experience includes roles outside the scope of personnel security, which offers a unique perspective on many topics.

Kristen Wagner

Kristen Wagner has held a variety of positions, supported multiple DoD programs and worked with many organizations over the years, including Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), iNovex and Praxis Engineering. She has earned a degree in Business Administration and is currently a Contractor Special Security Officer (CSSO) at Visionist, Inc. in Fort Meade. While she considers Delaware her home away from home, Kristen lives near Annapolis, Maryland and loves live music, traveling and spending time with friends and family and, of course, her rescued black lab, Bohdi. Kristen is also a huge animal welfare advocate.