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The Power of the FMA and the FMA Foundation

May 6, 2020 – While all of our lives have been affected greatly by the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing remains certain — our commitment to the Fort Meade region. We truly appreciate your continued support that provides us with the resources we need to help our community thrive, even in a time of crisis.

Ways we have impacted the Fort Meade region during COVID-19

  • Submitted letters to our Congressional delegation in strong support for advocacy efforts to mitigate the impact the COVID-19 pandemic on the Fort Meade Cleared Industrial Base
  • Conducted a webinar about the impacts of COVID-19 on the Fort Meade region, specifically discussing FFCRA, the CARES Act, State of Maryland funding and business community concerns
  • Created the Acquisition Guidance Webinar Series to provide clarification on how businesses are able to engage with federal agencies during the COVID-19 crisis (National Security Agency and Defense Information Systems Agency)
  • Updated FMA website with COVID-19 resources
  • Provided critically-needed personal protection equipment to the emergency medical teams and child development centers on Fort Meade

Other ways we are supporting the region not related to COVID-19

  • Updated and revamped Project SCOPE ( that provides vital information about the security clearance process to high schools, transitioning workforce and veterans
  • Placed qualified interns within private sector employers
  • Developed a virtual summer learning initiative in partnership with Growth Sector,
    Anne Arundel County Public Schools and Anne Arundel Workforce Development
  • Injected necessary funds to enhance and expand our programs and are prepared to take on new initiatives that will continue to support our mission

We continue to strive to keep Fort Meade a thriving community. We are hopeful for the future and look forward to your continued support for the great work we do. The CARES Act stimulus plan recently enacted by the federal government includes charitable giving incentives for 2020 for both individuals and corporations.

Click here to support donations to the FMA Foundation general fund.

Please feel free to reach out to us. We would love to hear from you and look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Best regards,


Doreen Harwood                          Deon Viergutz
President                                        President
Fort Meade Alliance                      Fort Meade Alliance Foundation