Mark your calendars now for March 17, 2022 for our annual Industry Day at the BWI Westin Hotel. Senior Acquisition leaders from USCYBERCOM, NSA and DISA will share their priorities for the upcoming year at this in-person event. Doors open at 7:30 a.m.
Special Remarks
Maryland Commerce Secretary
Mike Gill
Secretary Mike Gill is a business leader with four decades of experience as an entrepreneur, technology executive, investment banker, and public servant. He was tapped by Governor Larry Hogan in 2014 to lead the Maryland Department of Commerce as its first-ever Secretary and was asked by the Governor to again lead the Department in December 2021.
Industry Panel Begins
Sharothi Pikar
USCYBERCOM, Command Acquisition Executive, Director, Acquisition and Technology, J9
Ms. Pikar currently serves as the Command Acquisition Executive (CAE) for USCYBERCOM, and the Director of the J9. In this role, she is responsible for planning, synchronizing, and executing joint capability development and associated services to defend and advance national interests in collaboration with domestic and international partners. Prior to her arrival to the command in May 2019, she served as the Acting Assistant Director for Cyber Portfolio under OUSD(R&E). She also served as the Co-Chair of the Special Cyber Operations Research and Engineering (SCORE) Subcommittee, under the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). Ms. Pikar has served in several key, enterprise level positions including as a Senior Civilian Fellow and Strategic Planner in the Chief of Staff of the Army’s (CSA) Strategic Studies Group (SSG), where she authored several key recommendations relevant to the Army’s future strategic and operational environments and was responsible for creation of the Army Civilian Fellowship positions.
Diane Dunshee
NSA, Senior Acquisition Executive
Diane Dunshee is the Director of Business Management & Acquisition (BM&A) and the Senior Acquisition Executive (SAE) at the National Security Agency (NSA). She is responsible for all procurements, from physical fences to complex industry-leading systems, acquired as part of major acquisition programs. This averages over 19,000 procurement actions costing several billion dollars per year.
Douglas Packard
DISA, Director of Procurement Directorate & Chief of the Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization
Douglas Packard is the Procurement Services Executive, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), where he provides executive leadership and strategic guidance for the procurement of information technology, telecommunications and cyber solutions. Mr. Packard is dual-hatted as the director, Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization (DITCO), an organization that obligated over $6.5 billion on contracts in FY21, and manages a contracts portfolio valued over $18.5 billion. He is responsible for management and oversight of all organization functions. He serves as principal advisor to the DISA director, executive deputy director, senior procurement executive and the agency for contracting, providing executive oversight for strategic planning and execution of contract policy and operations at contracting offices in the National Capital Region, Illinois, Hawaii, and Germany.
Program Ends
There is no mask mandate or vaccination requirement to attend this event. The FMA and the venue follow county COVID-19 regulations. By attending our events, you are willingly assuming all risks in relation to COVID-19 exposure. If you are sick or have general symptoms of unwellness, we ask that you please stay home.