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FMA Seeks Tech Mania Presenters

Help the Fort Meade Alliance address the critical need for highly skilled workers in the region by participating as a presenter during Tech Mania.

Tech Mania is the FMA’s signature student program, designed to build excitement and bolster students’ interest in careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields (STEM). Held twice each year, the event targets Maryland ninth graders and provides interactive demonstrations and insights into STEM careers.

Your company can help by providing an interactive demonstration to showcase how technology is used in your industry during our upcoming Tech Mania on April 27 at Towson University or next fall in the Fort Meade area.

Opportunities are not limited to companies in the information technology space. Prior presenters include architectural firms, commercial builders, communications companies, hospital systems and others who demonstrated how technology is shaping their industries and showcased potential career paths.

If you have an idea for an interesting and interactive demonstration that is relevant to your industry, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Will Burns at

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