- Annapolis National Cemetery Location
Venue Website: https://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/pages/16140/overview/?relatedId=0
Address:The Rising Stars Network invites you to join their Wreaths Across America volunteer team this holiday season. Wreaths Across America, a national non-profit organization, is committed to coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as more than 2,500 additional location. Our local ceremony will be held in Annapolis at the Annapolis National Cemetery. Register today to show our veterans and their families that we will not forget their sacrifices.
Each volunteer is registering directly with Wreaths Across America. After you complete your registration, please RSVP to FMA’s General Manager Tim O’Ferrall by email (toferrall@ftmeadealliance.org) to notify us of your participation.
There is no mask mandate or vaccination requirement to attend this event. The FMA and the venue follow county COVID-19 regulations. By attending our events, you are willingly assuming all risks in relation to COVID-19 exposure. If you are sick or have general symptoms of unwellness, we ask that you please stay home.